Terri's Amazing... er, Amazon Author Page

My author page on Amazon is up and running over at Author Central if you'd care to check it out and perhaps like it too! Here's the link:

Tank & Ferry Return!

Our tour of the States has been amazing! Stay tuned for some travel blogs with pics on Terri's Blog (a tiny taste below). Or you can go to Terri's Blog or my Facebook page and catch up.

The beautiful small town of Centennial at the foot of the
Snowy Range in the Medicine Bow National Forest,
south-east Wyoming.
The American and Wyoming State Flags proudly flying
beside the Nici Self Museum.

Main Street, Centennial? Not quite, that would be Route 130
over the Snowy Range, but you get the idea. This is one
cute town - I'm sure there must be a cabin with my name
on it. So easy to write novels in this environment!